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Born in the he middle of the Czech republic, the most distant place from any sea or ocean in Europe, sea was always much more a part of my dreams than a lived reality. In my 15 I  saw the iconic Cousteau's  The Silent World and it has impacted  my life once for ever. It took me first under water and  two years later I have established a diving club at The Prague University of Agriculture. Now, after more than 30 years, it still exists and the people around it have changed to best friends - to a broad wet family.  

My interest in nature and photography led me soon to take a camera down under water. I wanted to share the fragile hidden and often almost invisible beauty of the underwater world with friends and other people - hoping a bit, that it can make them a bit more aware about the extraordinary beauty and fragility of this hidden part of the nature and about how much it deserves and needs our protection. 


With the changing environment everywhere around the world the protection and respect to nature regardless it is above or under the water surface toady today even much more more important.  You are welcome to enjoy the pictures on my web and to download them  for your private use.


Then, please,  whenever you do any activity, which may impact the sea environment or nature at all, do it please with full respect to it.

If you would like to use any of presented photos  for a business or public purpose, please, contact me. 

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